Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Campbell Folk Group, The Ian  New York Gals  Contemporary Campbells, New Impressions 
 2. The Irish Rovers  New York Gals  Silver Anniversary 
 3. Cartier  So Many Gals  Outta Town Fette-Ola 
 4. Cartier  So Many Gals  Outta Town Fette-Ola 
 5. MOVE D  Gals  Cube EP 
 7. Kutzkelina & The Devil's Harmonica  More pretty Gals   
 8. Brewer - Frost - Stoneman  Buffalo Gals  Misc 
 9. Rebel Storm  Gals From Mississippi  Hard Way 
 11. Clayton Mcmichen And Riley Puckett  Alabama Gals   
 12. Heftone Banjo Orchestra  Buffalo Gals   
 13. Clayton Mcmichen And Riley Puckett  Alabama Gals   
 14. Heftone Banjo Orchestra  Buffalo Gals   
 15. Mighty Ghosts Of Heaven  Hawthorne Gals  Mighty Ghosts Of Heaven 
 16. Danny Bakan  Buffalo Gals  ...and truth is spectacular 
 17. Candy, Greg and Jere  Buffalo Gals  Stringband Class 
 18. Danny Bakan  Buffalo Gals  ...and truth is spectacular 
 19. Danny Bakan  Buffalo Gals  "...and truth is spectacular" 
 20. Danny Bakan  Buffalo Gals  ...and truth is spectacular 
 21. Jay Weathers & Lenny Future  Dance aka Too Many Gals  www.theheatwave.co.uk/blog 
 22. Francis Harold & The Holograms  Glitter Gals  Who Said These Were Happy Times 12'' 
 23. Ben Russell  West Virginia Gals  Ben Russell's Album 
 24. Walking on Air with Betsy and  Star Gazing Gals  Walking on Air with Betsy and 
 25. Bill Ochs  West Fork Gals  The Clarke Tin Whistle 
 26. DJ Dirk  Malcolm Mclaren - Buffalo Gals  Recordings 
 27. DJ Dirk  Malcolm Mclaren - Buffalo Gals (DJ Dirk)(1)  Recordings 
 28. New Artist  Frank Sinatra - Rat Pack - New York, New York  New Title 
 29. Anne Bramley  Eat Feed 55: Amuse-bouche: Courses-William Grimes of the New York Times talks about supper vs. dinner, the mysteries of the entree, and lots of other finds from historical New York menus  Eat Feed 
 30. Barn Owls  Texas Gals - Swinging on a Gate - It Don't Mean a Thing - Swinging Reprise  Barn Owls Live 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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